Honcho’s Paradise

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Galaxy, Platform 01 Euclid (PS4), PS4
Hexadecimal Address 404A0156EC6B
Galactic Coordinates 046A:0080:0D6D:004A
System Name Orange S Class Fighter
Climate Occasional Hot Storms
Flora Plentiful
Sentinels Passive
Economy Wealthy
Discovered By BSTRDHoncho
Notes Base offers 8 CB, about 26 Gravatino Orbs, and a nice wrap-around terrace. **Bring a Nomad for about a 5 minutes road trip. ** Beacon is at base. If it does not show you will need to go back and try again due to current server issues. 06-30-2018
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Honcho’s System – Living Glass Farm


***One Base Per System or Base is Redacted***

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Galaxy, Platform 01 Euclid (PS4), Galactic Hub, PS4
Hexadecimal Address 30230256EC69
Galactic Coordinates 0468:0081:0D6D:0023
System Name Honcho's System
Climate Subzero
Flora Abundant
Fauna Abundant
Sentinels Passive
Economy Flourishing
Discovered By BstrdHoncho for BstrdHoncho_2
Notes Located near the old Hub 7 region. Terrain is Rocky. Bring a Nomad for the 5 minute travel time. Walking will take 20 minutes, or so, even with full upgrades to jet pack. Living Glass is the primary resource - you can make 12. Other items are being added to aid travelers who want to get a start on other plants. Cave behind base is filled with Cave Marrow - you can easily harvest 1000 units in just a few minutes. Let me know if you are interested in moving to the region. ***There are several other farms in the region, so let me know if you want to join us. I can easily locate a portal near a base on any local system. *** We are within several warps of the system with the Squid Exotic, too. So, it's a handy location.
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Mario Base Portal

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Galaxy, Platform 01 Euclid (PS4), Galactic Hub, PS4
Hexadecimal Address 302C0256EC6B
Galactic Coordinates 046A:0081:0D6D:002C
System Name [Hub1-V-2C] TKo1
Climate Extreme Frozen
Sentinels Passive
Economy Medium Supply
Discovered By
Notes Base is a one hour walk from the portal. Mostly it's just a cool base, but there is a small farm inside. The planet is an extreme ice planet with white out blizzards. Sentinels seem to be passive. Info on the readout indicates a completely different atmosphere.
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Tranquility (Aqua Spheres)

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Galaxy, Platform 01 Euclid (PS4), PS4
Hexadecimal Address 10140256EC6B
Galactic Coordinates 046A:0081:0D6D:0014
System Name Q
Climate Choking Humidity
Flora Bountiful
Fauna Ordinary
Sentinels Standard
Economy Material Fusion / Comfortable
Discovered By System: Lianara, Planet: BstrdHoncho
Notes This is a lush planet, island with aqua spheres. Lots of kelp sac. Couldn't find a base anywhere on the planet, but that could be due to an error. My readout on planet showed it to be home to Echinocactus but it houses Star Bramble. Trade on the planet is low to mid-level. Nothing special.
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Honchos Land ***One Base Per System or Base is Redacted***

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Galaxy, Platform 01 Euclid (PS4), Galactic Hub, PS4
Hexadecimal Address 204C0256EC6B
Galactic Coordinates 046A:0081:0D6D:004C
System Name Orordn
Climate Stinging Puddles
Flora Copious
Fauna Average
Sentinels Limited
Economy Shipping/Satisfactory
Discovered By System: Lianara, Planet: BstrdHoncho
Notes This is my new home planet. Selected it because it is within sight of a portal that has been tested and works. Put in a Liquid Explosive Farm that makes about 18 LE per harvest. A few other things are growing there, as well. This is located very close to the old and new Galactic Hub.
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